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Attributes description

The following table describes REST attributes that can be managed in the Magento Admin Panel.
To access these attributes, go to System > Web Services > REST Attributes and select the type of the user for which attributes will be managed.


Attribute Name Attribute Description Notes
Order ID Sales order ID
Order Date Date when the sales order was placed
Order Status Sales order status. Can have the following values: Pending, Processing, Complete, Closed, Holded, Pending PayPal, and Payment Review.
Shipping Method Shipping method selected during the checkout process (e.g., Flat rate - Fixed)
Payment Method Payment method selected during the checkout process (e.g., Check/money order)
Base Currency Base currency code (e.g., USD)
Order Currency Order currency code (e.g., EUR)
Store Name Name of the store from which the order was placed
Placed from IP IP address from which the order was placed
Store Currency to Base Currency Rate Store currency to base currency rate
Subtotal Subtotal amount in order currency (excluding shipping and tax)
Subtotal Including Tax Subtotal amount including tax (in order currency)
Discount Discount amount applied in the sales order in order currency
Grand Total to Be Charged Total amount of money to be paid for the order in base currency (including tax)
Grand Total Grand total amount in order currency (including tax and shipping)
Shipping Shipping amount applied in the sales order in order currency
Shipping Including Tax Shipping amount including tax (in order currency)
Shipping Tax Tax amount for shipping in order currency
Tax Amount Tax amount applied in the sales order in order currency
Tax Name Name of the applied tax
Tax Rate Tax rate applied in the order (in order currency)
Gift Cards Amount Gift card pricing amount This attribute is available only in Magento EE
Reward Points Balance Reward points amount (that can be converted to currency) This attribute is available only in Magento EE
Reward Currency Amount Reward currency amount This attribute is available only in Magento EE
Coupon Code Coupon code that was applied in the order
Base Discount Amount of applied discount in base currency
Base Subtotal Subtotal amount for all products in the order in base currency (excluding tax and shipping)
Base Shipping Amount of money to be paid for shipping in base currency
Base Shipping Tax Tax amount for shipping in base currency
Base Tax Amount Tax amount applied to the order items in base currency
Total Paid Total amount paid for the order (in order currency)
Base Total Paid Total amount paid for the order (in base currency)
Total Refunded Total refunded amount in order currency
Base Total Refunded Total amount refunded for the order (in base currency)
Base Subtotal Including Tax Subtotal amount including tax but excluding the discount amount (in base currency)
Base Total Due The rest of the money to be paid for the order in base currency (e.g., when partial invoice is applied)
Total Due The rest of the money to be paid for the order in order currency (e.g., when partial invoice is applied)
Shipping Discount Discount amount for shipping (in order currency)
Base Shipping Discount Discount amount for shipping (in base currency)
Discount Description Discount code (coupon code applied in the order)
Customer Balance Customer balance (in order currency)
Base Customer Balance Customer balance (in base currency)
Base Gift Cards Amount Gift card pricing amount (in base currency) This attribute is available only in Magento EE
Base Rewards Currency Reward currency amount (in base currency) This attribute is available only in Magento EE

Order Addresses

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Customer Last Name Customer last name
Customer First Name Customer first name
Customer Middle Name Customer middle name or initial
Customer Prefix Customer prefix
Customer Suffix Customer suffix
Company Company name
Street Street address
City City
State State
ZIP/Postal Code ZIP or postal code
Country Country name
Phone Number Customer phone number
Address Type Address type. Can have the following values: billing or shipping

Order Items

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Base Discount Amount Discount amount applied to the row in base currency
Base Item Subtotal Row subtotal in base currency
Base Item Subtotal Including tax Row subtotal including tax in base currency
Base Original Price Original item price in base currency
Base Price Item price in base currency
Base Price Including tax Item price including tax in base currency
Base Tax Amount Tax amount applied to the row in base currency
Canceled Qty Number of canceled order items
Discount Amount Discount amount applied to the row in order currency
Invoiced Qty Number of invoiced order items
Item Subtotal Row subtotal in order currency
Item Subtotal Including Tax Row subtotal including tax in order currency
Order Item ID Order item ID
Ordered Qty Number of ordered items
Original Price Original item price in order currency
Parent Order Item ID ID of the configurable product to which the simple product is assigned
Price Item price in order currency
Price Including Tax Item price including tax in order currency
Product and Custom Options Name Name of the product (custom options name)
Refunded Qty Number of refunded order items
SKU Product SKU
Shipped Qty Number of shipped order items
Tax Amount Tax amount applied to the row in order currency
Tax Percent Tax percent applied to the row

Stock Item

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Automatically Return Credit Memo Item to Stock Defines whether products can be automatically returned to stock when the refund for an order is created
Backorders Defines whether the customer can place the order for products that are out of stock at the moment. Can have the following values: 0 - No Backorders, 1 - Allow Qty Below 0, and 2 - Allow Qty Below 0 and Notify Customer
Can Be Divided into Multiple Boxes for Shipping Defines whether the stock items can be divided into multiple boxes for shipping
Enable Qty Increments Defines whether the customer can add products only in increments to the shopping cart
Item ID Stock item ID
Low Stock Date Date when the number of stock items became lower than the number defined in the Notify for Quantity Below option
Manage Stock Choose whether to view and specify the product quantity and availability and whether the product is in stock management. Can have the following values: 0 - No, 1 - Yes
Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart Maximum number of items in the shopping cart to be sold
Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart Minimum number of items in the shopping cart to be sold
Notify for Quantity Below The number of inventory items below which the customer will be notified via the RSS feed
Product ID Product ID
Qty Quantity of stock items for the current product
Qty Increments The product quantity increment value
Qty Uses Decimals Choose whether the product can be sold using decimals (e.g., you can buy 2.5 product)
Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock Quantity for stock items to become out of stock
Stock Availability Defines whether the product is available for selling. Can have the following values: 0 - Out of Stock, 1 - In Stock
Stock ID Stock ID
Use Config Settings for Backorders Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Backorders option
Use Config Settings for Enable Qty Increments Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Enable Qty Increments option
Use Config Settings for Manage Stock Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Manage Stock option
Use Config Settings for Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart option
Use Config Settings for Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart option
Use Config Settings for Notify for Quantity Below Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Notify for Quantity Below option
Use Config Settings for Qty Increments Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Qty Increments option
Use Config Settings for Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock Choose whether the Config settings will be applied for the Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock option

Notes: The Admin user type has restrictions concerning the WRITE operations for definite stock item attributes. These are as follows:

Attribute Name Admin
Item ID No
Product ID No
Stock ID No
Low Stock Date No

However, these attributes are available for READ operations.


Attribute Name Attribute Description
Customer ID Customer ID
Last Logged In Date when the customer was logged in last
Is Confirmed Defines whether the email confirmation is sent to the customer
Created At Date when the customer was created
Associate to Website Website ID to which the customer is associated
Created From Store view from which the customer was created
Group Customer group ID
Disable automatic group change Defines whether the automatic group change will be applied to the customer
Prefix Customer prefix
First Name Customer first name
Middle Name/Initial Customer middle name or initial
Last Name Customer last name
Suffix Customer suffix
Email Customer email address
Date Of Birth Customer date of birth
Tax/VAT Number Customer tax or VAT number
Gender Customer gender (male or female)

Customer Address

Attribute Name Attribute Description
City City name
Company Company name
Country Country
Customer Address ID Customer address ID
Fax Fax number
First Name Customer first name
Is Default Billing Address Defines whether the address is a default one for billing
Is Default Shipping Address Defines whether the address is a default one for shipping
Last Name Customer last name
Middle Name/Initial Customer middle name or initial
Prefix Customer prefix
State/Province Customer state/region
Street Address Customer street address
Suffix Customer suffix
Telephone Customer phone number
VAT Number Customer VAT number
ZIP/Postal Code Customer ZIP or postal code


Attributes for the product resource are divided into those available for the Admin type of user and those available for the Customer and Guest types of user.

Attribute Name Attribute Description Notes
Product ID Product ID Available only for Admin
name Product Name
Product Type Product type. Can have the following values: Simple, Grouped, Configurable, Virtual, Bundle, or Downloadable
Attribute Set Name Name of the attribute set which the product is based on Available only for Admin
sku Product SKU
price Product price
visibility Product visibility in the store. Can have the following values: Catalog, Search; Search; Catalog; Not Visible Individually Available only for Admin
description Product description
short_description Product short description
weight Product weight Available only for Admin
news_from_date Date starting from which the product is promoted as a new product Available only for Admin
news_to_date Date till which the product is promoted as a new product Available only for Admin
status Product status in the store. Can have the following values: Enabled or Disabled Available only for Admin
url_key A friendly URL path for the product Available only for Admin
Create Permanent Redirect for Old URL Defines whether the redirect to an original URL will be applied (when the existing URL for a product is edited) Available only for Admin; available only for product update
country_of_manufacture Product country of manufacture Available only for Admin
is_returnable Defines whether the product can be returned Available only for Admin
special_price Product special price Available only for Admin
special_from_date Date starting from which the special price will be applied for the product Available only for Admin
special_to_date Date till which the special price will be applied for the product Available only for Admin
group_price Product group price Available only for Admin
tier_price Product tier price
msrp_enabled The Apply MAP option. Defines whether the price in the catalog in the frontend is substituted with a Click for price link Available only for Admin
msrp_display_actual_price_type Defines how the price will be displayed in the frontend. Can have the following values: In Cart, Before Order Confirmation, and On Gesture Available only for Admin
msrp The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price option. The price that a manufacturer suggests to sell the product at Available only for Admin
enable_googlecheckout Defines whether the product can be purchased with the help of the Google Checkout payment service. Can have the following values: Yes and No Available only for Admin
tax_class_id The product tax class to which the product will be associated Available only for Admin
meta_title Product meta title
meta_keyword Product meta keywords
meta_description Product meta description
custom_design Custom design applied for the product page Available only for Admin
custom_design_from Date starting from which the custom design will be applied for the product page Available only for Admin
custom_design_to Date till which the custom design will be applied for the product page Available only for Admin
custom_layout_update An XML block to alter the page layout Available only for Admin
page_layout Page template that can be applied to the product page Available only for Admin
options_container Defines how the custom options for the product will be displayed. Can have the following values: Block after Info Column or Product Info Column Available only for Admin
gift_message_available Defines whether the gift message is available for the product Available only for Admin
Use Config Settings for Allow Gift Message Defines whether the configuration settings will be used for the Allow Gift Message option Available only for Admin
gift_wrapping_available Defines whether the gift wrapping is available for the product Available only for Admin. This attribute is available in Magento EE
Use Config Settings for Allow Gift Wrapping Defines whether the configuration settings will be used for the Allow Gift Wrapping option Available only for Admin. This attribute is available in Magento EE
gift_wrapping_price Price for the gift wrapping (available in Magento EE) Available only for Admin
Inventory Data Product inventory data Available only for Admin
Custom attr Product custom attributes The customer can see only attributes that are set as visible on frontend
Regular Price The original product price displayed in the frontend Available only for Customer and Guest
Final Price The final product price Available only for Customer and Guest
Final Price with Tax The final product price with tax Available only for Customer and Guest
Final Price Without Tax The final product price without tax Available only for Customer and Guest
Stock Status The product stock status (availability) Available only for Customer and Guest
Product Is Saleable Defines whether the product can be sold Available only for Customer and Guest
Total Reviews Number The number of all reviews for a product Available only for Customer and Guest
Product URL Link A link to the product without the assigned category Available only for Customer and Guest
Buy Now Link A link that adds a product to the shopping cart Available only for Customer and Guest
Product Has Custom Options Defines whether the product has custom options or not Available only for Customer and Guest
Default Product Image Default product image Available only for Customer and Guest

Product Category

Attribute Name Attribute Description
Category ID ID of the category to which the product is assigned

Product Image

Attribute Name Attribute Description Notes
Exclude Defines whether the image will associate only to one of the three image types.
ID Image file ID Available only for READ operations
Label A label that will be displayed on the frontend when pointing to the image
Position The Sort Order option. The order in which the images are displayed in the MORE VIEWS section.
Type Image type. Can have the following values: Base Image, Small Image, or Thumbnail.
URL Image file URL path Available only for READ operations
File Content Image file content (base_64 encoded) Available only for WRITE operations
File MIME Type File MIME type. Can have the following values: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, etc. Available only for WRITE operations
File Name Image file name Available only for WRITE operations