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Catalog Product


Allows you to manage products.

Resource Name

  • catalog_product


  • product


  • catalog_product.currentStore — Set/Get the current store view.
  • catalog_product.list — Retrieve the list of products using filters.
  • — Retrieve information about the required product.
  • catalog_product.create — Create a new product.
  • catalog_product.update — Update a required product.
  • catalog_product.setSpecialPrice — Set special price for a product.
  • catalog_product.getSpecialPrice — Get special price for a product.
  • catalog_product.delete — Delete a required product.
  • catalog_product.listOfAdditionalAttributes — Get the list of additional attributes.


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested store view not found.
101 Product not exists.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
103 Product not deleted. Details in error message.


Retrieving the Product List

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$filters = [
    'sku' => ['like'=>'zol%']

$products = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.list', [$filters]);

Creating, Viewing, Updating and Deleting a Product

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$attributeSets = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product_attribute_set.list');
$attributeSet = current($attributeSets);

$newProductData = [
    'name' => 'name of product',
    'websites' => [1],
    'short_description' => 'short description',
    'description' => 'description',
    'status' => 1,
    'weight' => 0,
    'tax_class_id' => 1,
    'categories' => [3], // referenced by category IDs
    'price' => 12.05

// Create new product
            'qty' => 50,
            'is_in_stock' => 1

// Get info of created product
var_dump($proxy->call($sessionId, '', 'sku_of_product'));

// Update product name on german store view
            'name' => 'new name of product'

// Get info for default values
var_dump($proxy->call($sessionId, '', 'sku_of_product'));
// Get info for german store view

var_dump($proxy->call($sessionId, '', ['sku_of_product', 'german']));

// Delete product
$proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.delete', 'sku_of_product');

try {
    // Ensure that product deleted
    var_dump($proxy->call($sessionId, '', 'sku_of_product'));
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo 'Product already deleted';



  • catalog_product.currentStore (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductCurrentStore (SOAP V2)

Allows you to set/get the current store view.


  • product.currentStore


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string storeView Store view ID or code (optional)


Type Name Description
int/string storeView Store view ID


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.currentStore', 'english');

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductCurrentStore($sessionId, 'english');



  • catalog_product.list (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductList (SOAP V2)

Allows you to retrieve the list of products.


  • product.list


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
array filters Array of filters by attributes (optional)
string storeView Store view ID or code (optional)


Type Name Description
array storeView Array of catalogProductEntity

Content `catalogProductEntity`

Type Name Description
string product_id Product ID
string sku Product SKU
string name Product name
string set Product attribute set
string type Type of the product
ArrayOfString category_ids Array of category IDs
ArrayOfString website_ids Array of website IDs


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list');

// When the session can be closed

Request Example SOAP V2 (List of All Products)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductList($sessionId);

Request Example SOAP V2 (Complex Filter)

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$complexFilter = [
    'complex_filter' => [
            'key' => 'type',
            'value' => ['key' => 'in', 'value' => 'simple,configurable']
$result = $client->catalogProductList($session, $complexFilter);

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductList((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'filters' => null]);

Response Example SOAP V1

  0 =>
      'product_id' => string '1' (length=1)
      'sku' => string 'n2610' (length=5)
      'name' => string 'Nokia 2610 Phone' (length=16)
      'set' => string '4' (length=1)
      'type' => string 'simple' (length=6)
      'category_ids' =>
          0 => string '4' (length=1)
  1 =>
      'product_id' => string '2' (length=1)
      'sku' => string 'b8100' (length=5)
      'name' => string 'BlackBerry 8100 Pearl' (length=21)
      'set' => string '4' (length=1)
      'type' => string 'simple' (length=6)
      'category_ids' =>
          0 => string '4' (length=1)



  • (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductInfo (SOAP V2)

Allows you to retrieve information about the required product.




Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productId Product ID or SKU
string storeView Store view ID or code (optional)
array attributes Array of catalogProductRequestAttributes (optional)
string identifierType Defines whether the product ID or SKU value is passed in the productId parameter. (optional)


Type Name Description
array info Array of catalogProductReturnEntity

Content `catalogProductRequestAttributes`

Type Name Description
ArrayOfString attributes Array of attributes
ArrayOfString additional_attributes Array of additional attributes

Content `catalogProductReturnEntity`

Type Name Description
string product_id Product ID
string sku Product SKU
string set Product set
string type Product type
ArrayOfString categories Array of categories
ArrayOfString websites Array of websites
string created_at Date when the product was created
string updated_at Date when the product was last updated
string type_id Type ID
string name Product name
string description Product description
string short_description Short description for a product
string weight Product weight
string status Status of a product
string url_key Relative URL path that can be entered in place of a target path
string url_path URL path
string visibility Product visibility on the frontend
ArrayOfString category_ids Array of category IDs
ArrayOfString website_ids Array of website IDs
string has_options Defines whether the product has options
string gift_message_available Defines whether the gift message is available for the product
string price Product price
string special_price Product special price
string special_from_date Date starting from which the special price is applied to the product
string special_to_date Date till which the special price is applied to the product
string tax_class_id Tax class ID
array tier_price Array of catalogProductTierPriceEntity
string meta_title Mate title
string meta_keyword Meta keyword
string meta_description Meta description
string custom_design Custom design
string custom_layout_update Custom layout update
string options_container Options container
associativeArray additional_attributes Array of additional attributes
string enable_googlecheckout Defines whether Google Checkout is applied to the product

Content `catalogProductTierPriceEntity`

Type Name Description
string customer_group_id ID of the customer group
string website Website
int qty Quantity to which the price will be applied
double price Price that each item will cost


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, '', '4');

// When the session can be closed

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductInfo($sessionId, '4');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductInfo((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'productId' => '4']);

Response Example SOAP V1

  'product_id' => string '4' (length=1)
  'sku' => string 'canon_powershot' (length=15)
  'set' => string '4' (length=1)
  'type' => string 'simple' (length=6)
  'categories' =>
      0 => string '3' (length=1)
      1 => string '5' (length=1)
  'websites' =>
      0 => string '2' (length=1)
  'type_id' => string 'simple' (length=6)
  'name' => string 'Canon PowerShot A630 8MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom' (length=60)
  'description' => string 'Replacing the highly popular PowerShot A620, the PowerShot A630 features a rotating 2.5-inch vari-angle LCD, 4x optical zoom lens, and a vast array of creative shooting modes.

The PowerShot A630 packs a vast array of advanced features into a remarkably compact space' (length=267)
  'short_description' => string 'Replacing the highly popular PowerShot A620, the PowerShot A630 features a rotating 2.5-inch vari-angle LCD, 4x optical zoom lens, and a vast array of creative shooting modes.' (length=175)
  'weight' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
  'old_id' => null
  'news_from_date' => null
  'news_to_date' => null
  'status' => string '1' (length=1)
  'url_key' => string 'canon-powershot-a630-8mp-digital-camera-with-4x-optical-zoom' (length=60)
  'url_path' => string 'canon-powershot-a630-8mp-digital-camera-with-4x-optical-zoom.html' (length=65)
  'visibility' => string '4' (length=1)
  'category_ids' =>
      0 => string '3' (length=1)
      1 => string '5' (length=1)
  'required_options' => string '0' (length=1)
  'has_options' => string '0' (length=1)
  'image_label' => null
  'small_image_label' => null
  'thumbnail_label' => null
  'created_at' => string '2012-03-29 12:47:56' (length=19)
  'updated_at' => string '2012-03-29 12:47:56' (length=19)
  'country_of_manufacture' => null
  'price' => string '329.9900' (length=8)
  'group_price' =>
  'special_price' => null
  'special_from_date' => null
  'special_to_date' => null
  'tier_price' =>
  'minimal_price' => null
  'msrp_enabled' => string '2' (length=1)
  'msrp_display_actual_price_type' => string '4' (length=1)
  'msrp' => null
  'enable_googlecheckout' => string '1' (length=1)
  'tax_class_id' => string '2' (length=1)
  'meta_title' => null
  'meta_keyword' => null
  'meta_description' => null
  'is_recurring' => string '0' (length=1)
  'recurring_profile' => null
  'custom_design' => null
  'custom_design_from' => null
  'custom_design_to' => null
  'custom_layout_update' => null
  'page_layout' => null
  'options_container' => string 'container2' (length=10)
  'gift_message_available' => null



  • catalog_product.create (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductCreate (SOAP V2)

Allows you to create a new product and return ID of the created product.


  • product.create

Note: Although the API accepts up to four digits of precision for all price arguments, Maho strongly recommends you pass in two digits to reduce inaccuracy in the tax calculation process. (That is, use a price like 12.35 and not 12.3487).


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string type Product type
string set ID of the product attribute set
string sku Product SKU
array productData Array of catalogProductCreateEntity
string storeView Store view ID or code


Type Name Description
int result ID of the created product

Content `catalogProductCreateEntity`

Type Name Description
ArrayOfString categories Array of categories
ArrayOfString websites Array of websites
string name Product name
string description Product description
string short_description Product short description
string weight Product weight
string status Product status
string url_key URL key
string url_path URL path
string visibility Product visibility on the frontend
ArrayOfString category_ids Array of category IDs
ArrayOfString website_ids Array of website IDs
string has_options Defines whether the product has options
string gift_message_available Defines whether the gift message is available for the product
string price Product price
string special_price Product special price
string special_from_date Date starting from which the special price will be applied to the product
string special_to_date Date till which the special price will be applied to the product
string tax_class_id Tax class ID
array tier_price Array of catalogProductTierPriceEntity
string meta_title Meta title
string meta_keyword Meta keyword
string meta_description Meta description
string custom_design Custom design
string custom_layout_update Custom layout update
string options_container Options container
array additional_attributes Array of catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity
array stock_data Array of catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity

Note: The websites and website_ids or categories and category_ids parameters are interchangeable. You can specify an array of website IDs (int) and then you don't need to specify the array of website codes (string) and vice versa.

Content `catalogProductTierPriceEntity`

Type Name Description
string customer_group_id Customer group ID
string website Website
int qty Quantity
double price Tier price

Content `catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity`

Type Name Description
string qty Quantity of items
int is_in_stock Defines whether the item is in stock
int manage_stock Manage stock
int use_config_manage_stock Use config manage stock
int min_qty Minimum quantity for items to be in stock
int use_config_min_qty Use config settings flag (value defined in the Inventory System Configuration)
int min_sale_qty Minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart
int use_config_min_sale_qty Use config settings flag
int max_sale_qty Maximum quantity allowed in the shopping cart
int use_config_max_sale_qty Use config settings flag
int is_qty_decimal Defines whether the quantity is decimal
int backorders Backorders status
int use_config_backorders Use config settings flag (for backorders)
int notify_stock_qty Stock quantity below which a notification will appear
int use_config_notify_stock_qty Use config settings flag (for stock quantity)

Content `catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity`

Type Name
associativeMultiArray multi_data (array of attributes which could contain several values)
associativeArray single_data (array of attributes with only single value)


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested store view not found.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
104 Product type is not in allowed types.
105 Product attribute set is not existed
106 Product attribute set is not belong catalog product entity type


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

// get attribute set
$attributeSets = $client->call($session, 'product_attribute_set.list');
$attributeSet = current($attributeSets);

$result = $client->call(
            'categories' => [2],
            'websites' => [1],
            'name' => 'Product name',
            'description' => 'Product description',
            'short_description' => 'Product short description',
            'weight' => '10',
            'status' => '1',
            'url_key' => 'product-url-key',
            'url_path' => 'product-url-path',
            'visibility' => '4',
            'price' => '100',
            'tax_class_id' => 1,
            'meta_title' => 'Product meta title',
            'meta_keyword' => 'Product meta keyword',
            'meta_description' => 'Product meta description'

Request Example SOAP V2

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

// get attribute set
$attributeSets = $client->catalogProductAttributeSetList($session);
$attributeSet = current($attributeSets);

$result = $client->catalogProductCreate(
        'categories' => [2],
        'websites' => [1],
        'name' => 'Product name',
        'description' => 'Product description',
        'short_description' => 'Product short description',
        'weight' => '10',
        'status' => '1',
        'url_key' => 'product-url-key',
        'url_path' => 'product-url-path',
        'visibility' => '4',
        'price' => '100',
        'tax_class_id' => 1,
        'meta_title' => 'Product meta title',
        'meta_keyword' => 'Product meta keyword',
        'meta_description' => 'Product meta description'

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductCreate((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'type' => 'simple', 'set' => '4', 'sku' => 'simple_sku',
'productData' => (object)[
    'name' => 'Product name',
    'description' => 'Product description',
    'short_description' => 'Product short description',
    'weight' => '10',
    'status' => '1',
    'visibility' => '4',
    'price' => '100',
    'tax_class_id' => 1,



  • catalog_product.update (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductUpdate (SOAP V2)

Allows you to update the required product. Note that you should specify only those parameters which you want to be updated.


  • product.update

Note: Although the API accepts up to four digits of precision for all price arguments, Maho strongly recommends you pass in two digits to reduce inaccuracy in the tax calculation process. (That is, use a price like 12.35 and not 12.3487).


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productId Product ID
array productData Array of catalogProductCreateEntity
string storeView Store view ID or code (optional)
string identifierType Defines whether the product ID or SKU is passed in the 'product' parameter


Type Description
boolean True if the product is updated

Content `catalogProductCreateEntity`

Type Name Description
ArrayOfString categories Array of categories
ArrayOfString websites Array of websites
string name Product name
string description Product description
string short_description Product short description
string weight Product weight
string status Product status
string url_key A relative URL path that can be entered in place of the target path
string url_path URL path
string visibility Product visibility on the frontend
ArrayOfString category_ids Array of category IDs
ArrayOfString website_ids Array of website IDs
string has_options Defines whether the product has options
string gift_message_available Defines whether the gift message is available for the product
string price Product price
string special_price Product special price
string special_from_date Date starting from which the special price will be applied to the product
string special_to_date Date till which the special price will be applied to the product
string tax_class_id Tax class ID
array tier_price Array of catalogProductTierPriceEntity
string meta_title Meta title
string meta_keyword Meta keyword
string meta_description Meta description
string custom_design Custom design
string custom_layout_update Custom layout update
string options_container Options container
associativeArray additional_attributes Array of catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity
array stock_data Array of catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity

Note: The websites and website_ids or categories and category_ids parameters are interchangeable. You can specify an array of website IDs (int) and then you don't need to specify the array of website codes (string) and vice versa.

Content `catalogProductTierPriceEntity`

Type Name Description
string customer_group_id Customer group ID
string website Website
int qty Quantity of items to which the price will be applied
double price Price that each item will cost

Content `catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity`

Type Name Description
string qty Quantity of items
int is_in_stock Defines whether the item is in stock
int manage_stock Manage stock
int use_config_manage_stock Use config manage stock
int min_qty Minimum quantity for items to be in stock
int use_config_min_qty Use config settings flag (value defined in the Inventory System Configuration)
int min_sale_qty Minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart
int use_config_min_sale_qty Use config settings flag
int max_sale_qty Maximum quantity allowed in the shopping cart
int use_config_max_sale_qty Use config settings flag
int is_qty_decimal Defines whether the quantity is decimal
int backorders Backorders status
int use_config_backorders Use config settings flag (for backorders)
int notify_stock_qty Stock quantity below which a notification will appear
int use_config_notify_stock_qty Use config settings flag (for stock quantity)

Content `catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity`

Type Name
associativeMultiArray multi_data (array of attributes which could contain several values)
associativeArray single_data (array of attributes with only single value)


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested store view not found.
101 Product not exists.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call(
            'categories' => [2],
            'websites' => [1],
            'name' => 'Product name new 2',
            'description' => 'Product description',
            'short_description' => 'Product short description',
            'weight' => '10',
            'status' => '1',
            'url_key' => 'product-url-key',
            'url_path' => 'product-url-path',
            'visibility' => '4',
            'price' => '100',
            'tax_class_id' => 1,
            'meta_title' => 'Product meta title',
            'meta_keyword' => 'Product meta keyword',
            'meta_description' => 'Product meta description'

Request Example SOAP V2

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->catalogProductUpdate(
        'categories' => [2],
        'websites' => [1],
        'name' => 'Product name new',
        'description' => 'Product description',
        'short_description' => 'Product short description',
        'weight' => '10',
        'status' => '1',
        'url_key' => 'product-url-key',
        'url_path' => 'product-url-path',
        'visibility' => '4',
        'price' => '100',
        'tax_class_id' => 1,
        'meta_title' => 'Product meta title',
        'meta_keyword' => 'Product meta keyword',
        'meta_description' => 'Product meta description'

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductUpdate((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'productId' => '1',
'productData' => (object)[
    'name' => 'Product name updated',
    'status' => '1',



  • catalog_product.setSpecialPrice (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductSetSpecialPrice (SOAP V2)

Allows you to set the product's special price.


  • product.setSpecialPrice

Note: Although the API accepts up to four digits of precision for all price arguments, Maho strongly recommends you pass in two digits to reduce inaccuracy in the tax calculation process. (That is, use a price like 12.35 and not 12.3487).


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productId Product ID or SKU
string specialPrice Product special price
string fromDate Date starting from which special price will be applied
string toDate Date till which special price will be applied
string storeView Store view ID or code (optional)
string productIdentifierType Defines whether the product ID or SKU is passed in the 'productId' parameter (optional)


Type Name Description
boolean/int result True (1) if the special price is set for the product


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.setSpecialPrice', ['product' => 'testproduct', 'specialPrice' => '77.5', 'fromDate' => '2012-03-29 12:30:51', 'toDate' => '2012-04-29 12:30:51']);

// When the session can be closed

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductSetSpecialPrice(
    '2012-03-29 12:30:51',
    '2012-04-29 12:30:51'

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductSetSpecialPrice(
        'sessionId' => $sessionId->result,
        'productId' => '2',
        'specialPrice' => '77.5',
        'fromDate' => '2012-03-29 12:30:51',
        'toDate' => '2012-04-29 12:30:51'



  • catalog_product.getSpecialPrice (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductGetSpecialPrice (SOAP V2)

Allows you to get the product special price data.


  • product.getSpecialPrice


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productId Product ID or SKU
string storeView Store view ID or code
string identifierType Defines whether the product ID or SKU is passed in the 'product' parameter


Type Name Description
array result Array of catalogProductReturnEntity

Content `catalogProductReturnEntity`

Type Name Description
string special_price Product special price
string special_from_date Date starting from which the special price is applied to the product
string special_to_date Date till which the special price is applied to the product


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.getSpecialPrice', '1');

// When the session can be closed

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductGetSpecialPrice($sessionId, '1');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductGetSpecialPrice(
        'sessionId' => $sessionId->result,
        'productId' => '1'

Response Example SOAP V1

  'special_price' => string '139.9900' (length=8)
  'special_from_date' => string '2012-03-28 00:00:00' (length=19)
  'special_to_date' => string '2012-03-31 00:00:00' (length=19)



  • catalog_product.delete (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductDelete (SOAP V2)

Allows you to delete the required product.


  • product.delete


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productId Product ID or SKU
string identifierType Defines whether the product ID or SKU is passed in the 'product' parameter


Type Name Description
boolean/int result True (1) if the product is deleted


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.delete', '6');

// When the session can be closed

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductDelete($sessionId, '6');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']);

$result = $proxy->catalogProductDelete(
        'sessionId' => $sessionId->result,
        'productId' => '21'



  • product.listOfAdditionalAttributes (SOAP V1)
  • catalogProductListOfAdditionalAttributes (SOAP V2)

Get the list of additional attributes. Additional attributes are attributes that are not in the default set of attributes.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string productType Product type (e.g. simple)
string attributeSetId Attribute set ID


Type Name Description
int attribute_id Attribute ID
string code Attribute code
string type Attribute type (e.g. text, select, date, etc.)
string required Defines whether the attribute is required
string scope Attribute scope (global, website, or store)


Fault Code Fault Message
104 Product type is not in allowed types.
105 Product attribute set is not existed
106 Product attribute set is not belong catalog product entity type


Request Example SOAP V1

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$listAttributes = $proxy->call(

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->catalogProductListOfAdditionalAttributes($sessionId, 'simple', '13');

Response Example SOAP V1

  0 =>
      'attribute_id' => string '89' (length=2)
      'code' => string 'old_id' (length=6)
      'type' => string 'text' (length=4)
      'required' => string '0' (length=1)
      'scope' => string 'global' (length=6)
  1 =>
      'attribute_id' => string '93' (length=2)
      'code' => string 'news_from_date' (length=14)
      'type' => string 'date' (length=4)
      'required' => string '0' (length=1)
      'scope' => string 'website' (length=7)
  2 =>