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Sales Order Credit Memo


Allows you to operate with credit memos for orders.


  • sales_order_creditmemo


  • order_creditmemo


  • sales_order_creditmemo.list — Retrieve the list of credit memos by filters.
  • — Retrieve the credit memo information.
  • sales_order_creditmemo.create — Create a new credit memo for order.
  • sales_order_creditmemo.addComment — Add a new comment to the credit memo.
  • sales_order_creditmemo.cancel — Cancel the credit memo.


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested credit memo does not exist.
101 Invalid filter given. Details in error message.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
103 Requested order does not exist.
104 Credit memo status not changed.
105 Money can not be refunded to the store credit account as order was created by guest.
106 Credit memo for requested order can not be created.


$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

// Create creditmemo
$orderIncrementId = '100000683'; // increment id of the invoiced order
$data = [
    'qtys' => [
        '712' => 1
    'shipping_amount' => 3,
    'adjustment_positive' => 0.7,
    'adjustment_negative' => 0.06
$creditmemoIncrementId = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.create', [$orderIncrementId, $data]);
echo $creditmemoIncrementId . "<br>";

// Add comment to created creditmemo
$commentText = "Credit memo comment successfully added";
$isCommentAdded = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.addComment', [$creditmemoIncrementId, $commentText, true]);

// Retrieve information about created creditmemo
$creditmemoInfo = $proxy->call($sessionId, '', [$creditmemoIncrementId]);

// Retrieve the list of creditmemos by filter
$filter = [
    'increment_id' => [
        'or' => [
                'from' => '100000617',
                'to' => '100000619',
                'from' => $creditmemoIncrementId,
                'to' => null,
$creditmemoList = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.list', [$filter]);



  • order_creditmemo.list (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderCreditmemoList (SOAP V2)

Allows you to retrieve the list of credit memos by filters.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
associative array filters Filters (optional)


Type Name Description
array result Array of salesOrderCreditmemoEntity

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoEntity`

Type Name Description
string updated_at Date of updating
string created_at Date of creation
string increment_id Increment ID
string transaction_id Transaction ID
string global_currency_code Global currency code
string base_currency_code Base currency code
string order_currency_code Order currency code
string store_currency_code Store currency code
string cybersource_token Cybersource token
string invoice_id ID of the invoice for which the credit memo was created
string billing_address_id Billing address ID
string shipping_address_id Shipping address ID
string state State
string creditmemo_status Credit memo status
string email_sent Defines whether the email is sent
string order_id ID of the order for which the credit memo was created
string tax_amount Tax amount
string shipping_tax_amount Shipping tax amount
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string base_adjustment_positive Adjustment refund amount (using base currency)
string base_grand_total Base grand total
string adjustment Adjustment
string subtotal Subtotal
string discount_amount Discount amount
string base_subtotal Base subtotal
string base_adjustment Base adjustment
string base_to_global_rate Base to global rate
string store_to_base_rate Store to base rate
string base_shipping_amount Base shipping amount
string adjustment_negative Adjustment fee amount
string subtotal_incl_tax Subtotal including tax
string shipping_amount Shipping amount
string base_subtotal_incl_tax Base subtotal including tax
string base_adjustment_negative Adjustment fee amount (using base currency)
string grand_total Grand total
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string base_to_order_rate Base to order rate
string store_to_order_rate Store to order rate
string base_shipping_tax_amount Base shipping tax amount
string adjustment_positive Adjustment refund amount
string store_id Store ID
string hidden_tax_amount Hidden tax amount
string base_hidden_tax_amount Base hidden tax amount
string shipping_hidden_tax_amount Shipping hidden tax amount
string base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt Base shipping hidden tax amount
string shipping_incl_tax Shipping including tax
string base_shipping_incl_tax Base shipping including tax
string base_customer_balance_amount Base customer balance amount
string customer_balance_amount Customer balance amount
string bs_customer_bal_total_refunded Refunded base customer balance amount
string customer_bal_total_refunded Customer balance total refunded
string base_gift_cards_amount Base gift cards amount
string gift_cards_amount Gift cards amount
string gw_base_price Gift wrapping price refunded amount (using base currency)
string gw_price Gift wrapping price refunded amount
string gw_items_base_price Gift wrapping items base price
string gw_items_price Gift wrapping items price
string gw_card_base_price Gift wrapping card base price
string gw_card_price Gift wrapping card price
string gw_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping tax amount refunded (using base currency)
string gw_tax_amount Gift wrapping tax amount refunded
string gw_items_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping items base tax amount
string gw_items_tax_amount Gift wrapping items tax amount
string gw_card_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping card base tax amount
string gw_card_tax_amount Gift wrapping card tax amount
string base_reward_currency_amount Base reward currency amount
string reward_currency_amount Reward currency amount
string reward_points_balance Reward points balance
string reward_points_balance_refund Reward points balance refund
string creditmemo_id Credit memo ID
array items Array of salesOrderCreditmemoItemEntity
array comments Array of salesOrderCreditmemoCommentEntity

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoItemEntity`

Type Name Description
string item_id Credit memo item ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount
string base_price Base price
string base_weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition (in base currency)
string tax_amount Tax amount
string base_weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount (in base currency)
string weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition
string base_row_total Base row total
string discount_amount Discount amount
string row_total Row total
string weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string base_weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition (in base currency)
string price_incl_tax Price including tax
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition
string base_price_incl_tax Base price including tax
string qty Quantity
string base_cost Base cost
string base_weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount (in base currency)
string price Price
string base_row_total_incl_tax Base row total including tax
string row_total_incl_tax Row total including tax
string product_id Product ID
string order_item_id Order item ID
string additional_data Additional data
string description Description
string weee_tax_applied Applied fixed product tax
string sku Item SKU
string name Name
string hidden_tax_amount Hidden tax amount
string base_hidden_tax_amount Base hidden tax amount

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoCommentEntity`

Type Name Description
string parent_id Parent ID
string created_at Date of creation
string comment Comment data
string is_customer_notified Defines whether the customer is notified
string comment_id Comment ID
string is_visible_on_front Defines whether the comment is visible on the frontend


Fault Code Fault Description
101 Invalid filter given. Details in error message.


Request Example SOAP V1

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
$filter = [
    'order_id' => [
        'or' => [
                'from' => '673',
                'to' => '674',
                'from' => '677',
                'to' => null,
    'increment_id' => [
        'or' => [
                'from' => '100000617',
                'to' => '100000619',
                'from' => '100000619',
                'to' => null,
$creditmemoList = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.list', [$filter]);

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoList($sessionId, '200000001');

Request Example SOAP V2 (Complex Filter)

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$complexFilter = [
    'complex_filter' => [
            'key' => 'state',
            'value' => ['key' => 'in', 'value' => '2,3']
$result = $client->salesOrderCreditmemoList($session, $complexFilter);

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); 
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']); 

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoList((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result]);   

Response Example SOAP V1

    0 => [
        'store_id' => '1',
        'adjustment_positive' => null,
        'base_shipping_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'store_to_order_rate' => '1.0000',
        'base_discount_amount' => '0.0000',
        'base_to_order_rate' => '1.0000',
        'grand_total' => '60.0000',
        'base_adjustment_negative' => null,
        'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
        'shipping_amount' => '5.0000',
        'subtotal_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
        'adjustment_negative' => null,
        'base_shipping_amount' => '5.0000',
        'store_to_base_rate' => '1.0000',
        'base_to_global_rate' => '1.0000',
        'base_adjustment' => '0.0000',
        'base_subtotal' => '55.0000',
        'discount_amount' => '0.0000',
        'subtotal' => '55.0000',
        'adjustment' => '0.0000',
        'base_grand_total' => '60.0000',
        'base_adjustment_positive' => null,
        'base_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'shipping_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'order_id' => '674',
        'email_sent' => null,
        'creditmemo_status' => null,
        'state' => '2',
        'shipping_address_id' => '1348',
        'billing_address_id' => '1347',
        'invoice_id' => null,
        'cybersource_token' => null,
        'store_currency_code' => 'USD',
        'order_currency_code' => 'USD',
        'base_currency_code' => 'USD',
        'global_currency_code' => 'USD',
        'transaction_id' => null,
        'increment_id' => '100000617',
        'created_at' => '2011-05-26 10:49:45',
        'updated_at' => '2011-05-26 10:49:45',
        'hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'base_hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
        'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => null,
        'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => null,
        'shipping_incl_tax' => '5.0000',
        'base_shipping_incl_tax' => '5.0000',
        'base_customer_balance_amount' => null,
        'customer_balance_amount' => null,
        'bs_customer_bal_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
        'customer_bal_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
        'base_gift_cards_amount' => null,
        'gift_cards_amount' => null,
        'gw_base_price' => null,
        'gw_price' => null,
        'gw_items_base_price' => null,
        'gw_items_price' => null,
        'gw_card_base_price' => null,
        'gw_card_price' => null,
        'gw_base_tax_amount' => null,
        'gw_tax_amount' => null,
        'gw_items_base_tax_amount' => null,
        'gw_items_tax_amount' => null,
        'gw_card_base_tax_amount' => null,
        'gw_card_tax_amount' => null,
        'base_reward_currency_amount' => null,
        'reward_currency_amount' => null,
        'reward_points_balance' => null,
        'reward_points_balance_refund' => null,
        'creditmemo_id' => '617',
    1 => [
        'store_id' => '1',
        'adjustment_positive' => null,
        'creditmemo_id' => '620',



  • (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderCreditmemoInfo (SOAP V2)

Allows you to retrieve full information about the specified credit memo.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string creditmemoIncrementId Credit memo increment ID


Type Name Description
array result Array of salesOrderCreditmemoEntity

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoEntity`

Type Name Description
string updated_at Date of updating
string created_at Date of creation
string increment_id Increment ID
string transaction_id Transaction ID
string global_currency_code Global currency code
string base_currency_code Base currency code
string order_currency_code Order currency code
string store_currency_code Store currency code
string cybersource_token Cybersource token
string invoice_id ID of the invoice for which the credit memo was created
string billing_address_id Billing address ID
string shipping_address_id Shipping address ID
string state State
string creditmemo_status Credit memo status
string email_sent Defines whether the email is sent
string order_id ID of the order for which the credit memo was created
string tax_amount Tax amount
string shipping_tax_amount Shipping tax amount
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string base_adjustment_positive Adjustment refund amount (using base currency)
string base_grand_total Base grand total
string adjustment Adjustment
string subtotal Subtotal
string discount_amount Discount amount
string base_subtotal Base subtotal
string base_adjustment Base adjustment
string base_to_global_rate Base to global rate
string store_to_base_rate Store to base rate
string base_shipping_amount Base shipping amount
string adjustment_negative Adjustment fee amount
string subtotal_incl_tax Subtotal including tax
string shipping_amount Shipping amount
string base_subtotal_incl_tax Base subtotal including tax
string base_adjustment_negative Adjustment fee amount (using base currency)
string grand_total Grand total
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string base_to_order_rate Base to order rate
string store_to_order_rate Store to order rate
string base_shipping_tax_amount Base shipping tax amount
string adjustment_positive Adjustment refund amount
string store_id Store ID
string hidden_tax_amount Hidden tax amount
string base_hidden_tax_amount Base hidden tax amount
string shipping_hidden_tax_amount Shipping hidden tax amount
string base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt Base shipping hidden tax amount
string shipping_incl_tax Shipping including tax
string base_shipping_incl_tax Base shipping including tax
string base_customer_balance_amount Base customer balance amount
string customer_balance_amount Customer balance amount
string bs_customer_bal_total_refunded Refunded base customer balance amount
string customer_bal_total_refunded Customer balance total refunded
string base_gift_cards_amount Base gift cards amount
string gift_cards_amount Gift cards amount
string gw_base_price Gift wrapping price refunded amount (using base currency)
string gw_price Gift wrapping price refunded amount
string gw_items_base_price Gift wrapping items base price
string gw_items_price Gift wrapping items price
string gw_card_base_price Gift wrapping card base price
string gw_card_price Gift wrapping card price
string gw_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping tax amount refunded (using base currency)
string gw_tax_amount Gift wrapping tax amount refunded
string gw_items_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping items base tax amount
string gw_items_tax_amount Gift wrapping items tax amount
string gw_card_base_tax_amount Gift wrapping card base tax amount
string gw_card_tax_amount Gift wrapping card tax amount
string base_reward_currency_amount Base reward currency amount
string reward_currency_amount Reward currency amount
string reward_points_balance Reward points balance
string reward_points_balance_refund Reward points balance refund
string creditmemo_id Credit memo ID
array items Array of salesOrderCreditmemoItemEntity
array comments Array of salesOrderCreditmemoCommentEntity

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoItemEntity`

Type Name Description
string item_id Credit memo item ID
string parent_id Parent ID
string weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount
string base_price Base price
string base_weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition (in base currency)
string tax_amount Tax amount
string base_weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount (in base currency)
string weee_tax_row_disposition Fixed product tax row disposition
string base_row_total Base row total
string discount_amount Discount amount
string row_total Row total
string weee_tax_applied_amount Applied fixed product tax amount
string base_discount_amount Base discount amount
string base_weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition (in base currency)
string price_incl_tax Price including tax
string base_tax_amount Base tax amount
string weee_tax_disposition Fixed product tax disposition
string base_price_incl_tax Base price including tax
string qty Quantity
string base_cost Base cost
string base_weee_tax_applied_row_amount Applied fixed product tax row amount (in base currency)
string price Price
string base_row_total_incl_tax Base row total including tax
string row_total_incl_tax Row total including tax
string product_id Product ID
string order_item_id Order item ID
string additional_data Additional data
string description Description
string weee_tax_applied Applied fixed product tax
string sku Item SKU
string name Name
string hidden_tax_amount Hidden tax amount
string base_hidden_tax_amount Base hidden tax amount

Content salesOrderCreditmemoCommentEntity

Type Name Description
string parent_id Parent ID
string created_at Date of creation
string comment Comment data
string is_customer_notified Defines whether the customer is notified
string comment_id Comment ID
string is_visible_on_front Defines whether the comment is visible on the frontend


Fault Code Fault Description
100 Requested credit memo does not exist.


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, '', '200000001');

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoInfo($sessionId, '200000001');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); 
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']); 

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoInfo((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'creditmemoIncrementId' => '200000001']);   

Response Example SOAP V1

    'store_id' => '1',
    'adjustment_positive' => null,
    'base_shipping_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'store_to_order_rate' => '1.0000',
    'base_discount_amount' => '0.0000',
    'base_to_order_rate' => '1.0000',
    'grand_total' => '90.0000',
    'base_adjustment_negative' => null,
    'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => '75.0000',
    'shipping_amount' => '15.0000',
    'subtotal_incl_tax' => '75.0000',
    'adjustment_negative' => null,
    'base_shipping_amount' => '15.0000',
    'store_to_base_rate' => '1.0000',
    'base_to_global_rate' => '1.0000',
    'base_adjustment' => '0.0000',
    'base_subtotal' => '75.0000',
    'discount_amount' => '0.0000',
    'subtotal' => '75.0000',
    'adjustment' => '0.0000',
    'base_grand_total' => '90.0000',
    'base_adjustment_positive' => null,
    'base_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'shipping_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'order_id' => '744',
    'email_sent' => null,
    'creditmemo_status' => null,
    'state' => '2',
    'shipping_address_id' => '1488',
    'billing_address_id' => '1487',
    'invoice_id' => null,
    'cybersource_token' => null,
    'store_currency_code' => 'USD',
    'order_currency_code' => 'USD',
    'base_currency_code' => 'USD',
    'global_currency_code' => 'USD',
    'transaction_id' => null,
    'increment_id' => '100000684',
    'created_at' => '2011-05-27 10:53:03',
    'updated_at' => '2011-05-27 10:53:03',
    'hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'base_hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
    'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => null,
    'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => null,
    'shipping_incl_tax' => '15.0000',
    'base_shipping_incl_tax' => '15.0000',
    'base_customer_balance_amount' => null,
    'customer_balance_amount' => null,
    'bs_customer_bal_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
    'customer_bal_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
    'base_gift_cards_amount' => null,
    'gift_cards_amount' => null,
    'gw_base_price' => null,
    'gw_price' => null,
    'gw_items_base_price' => null,
    'gw_items_price' => null,
    'gw_card_base_price' => null,
    'gw_card_price' => null,
    'gw_base_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_items_base_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_items_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_card_base_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_card_tax_amount' => null,
    'base_reward_currency_amount' => null,
    'reward_currency_amount' => null,
    'reward_points_balance' => null,
    'reward_points_balance_refund' => null,
    'base_customer_balance_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
    'customer_balance_total_refunded' => '0.0000',
    'gw_printed_card_base_price' => null,
    'gw_printed_card_price' => null,
    'gw_printed_card_base_tax_amount' => null,
    'gw_printed_card_tax_amount' => null,
    'reward_points_balance_to_refund' => null,
    'creditmemo_id' => '684',
    'order_increment_id' => '100000744',
    'items' => [
        0 => [
            'parent_id' => '684',
            'weee_tax_applied_row_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_price' => '55.0000',
            'base_weee_tax_row_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_weee_tax_applied_amount' => '0.0000',
            'weee_tax_row_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'base_row_total' => '55.0000',
            'discount_amount' => null,
            'row_total' => '55.0000',
            'weee_tax_applied_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_discount_amount' => null,
            'base_weee_tax_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'price_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
            'base_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'weee_tax_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'base_price_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
            'qty' => '1.0000',
            'base_cost' => null,
            'base_weee_tax_applied_row_amnt' => null,
            'price' => '55.0000',
            'base_row_total_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
            'row_total_incl_tax' => '55.0000',
            'product_id' => '20',
            'order_item_id' => '775',
            'additional_data' => null,
            'description' => null,
            'weee_tax_applied' => 'a:0:{}',
            'sku' => 'test_product_sku',
            'name' => 'Test Product',
            'hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'item_id' => '708'
        1 => [
            'parent_id' => '684',
            'weee_tax_applied_row_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_price' => '10.0000',
            'base_weee_tax_row_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_weee_tax_applied_amount' => '0.0000',
            'weee_tax_row_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'base_row_total' => '20.0000',
            'discount_amount' => null,
            'row_total' => '20.0000',
            'weee_tax_applied_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_discount_amount' => null,
            'base_weee_tax_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'price_incl_tax' => '10.0000',
            'base_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'weee_tax_disposition' => '0.0000',
            'base_price_incl_tax' => '10.0000',
            'qty' => '2.0000',
            'base_cost' => null,
            'base_weee_tax_applied_row_amnt' => null,
            'price' => '10.0000',
            'base_row_total_incl_tax' => '20.0000',
            'row_total_incl_tax' => '20.0000',
            'product_id' => '21',
            'order_item_id' => '776',
            'additional_data' => null,
            'description' => null,
            'weee_tax_applied' => 'a:0:{}',
            'sku' => 'test_product_sku_2',
            'name' => 'Test 2',
            'hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'base_hidden_tax_amount' => '0.0000',
            'item_id' => '709'
    'comments' => [
        0 => [
            'parent_id' => '684',
            'is_customer_notified' => '0',
            'is_visible_on_front' => '0',
            'comment' => 'Test CreditMemo successfully created',
            'created_at' => '2011-05-27 10:53:03',
            'comment_id' => '118'
        1 => [
            'parent_id' => '684',
            'is_customer_notified' => '0',
            'is_visible_on_front' => '0',
            'comment' => 'Test CreditMemo comment successfully added',
            'created_at' => '2011-05-27 10:53:03',
            'comment_id' => '119'



  • order_creditmemo.create (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderCreditmemoCreate (SOAP V2)

Allows you to create a new credit memo for the invoiced order. Comments can be added and an email notification can be sent to the user email.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string orderIncrementId Order increment ID
array creditmemoData Array of salesOrderCreditmemoData (optional)
string comment Comment text (optional)
int notifyCustomer Notify customer by email flag (optional)
int includeComment Include comment text into an email notification (optional)
string refundToStoreCreditAmount Payment amount to be refunded to the customer store credit (optional)


Type Name Description
string result Created credit memo increment ID

Content `salesOrderCreditmemoData`

Type Name Description
array qtys Array of orderItemIdQty
double shipping_amount Refund shipping amount (optional)
double adjustment_positive Adjustment refund amount (optional)
double adjustment_negative Adjustment fee amount (optional)

Content `orderItemIdQty`

Type Name Description
int order_item_id Order item ID to be refunded
double qty Items quantity to be refunded


Fault Code Fault Message
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.
103 Requested order does not exist.
105 Money can not be refunded to the store credit account as order was created by guest.
106 Credit memo for requested order can not be created.


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$result = $client->call($session, 'order_creditmemo.create', '200000010');

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoCreate($sessionId, '200000010');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); 
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']); 

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoCreate((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'creditmemoIncrementId' => '200000010', 
'creditmemoData' => [
    'qtys' => [
    'order_item_id' => 3,
    'qty' => '1'],
    'shipping_amount' => null,
    'adjustment_positive' => '0',
    'adjustment_negative' => null],
    'comment' => 'comment for credit memo',
    'notifyCustomer' => null,
    'includeComment' => 1,
    'refundToStoreCreditAmount' => '1'



  • order_creditmemo.addComment (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderCreditmemoAddComment (SOAP V2)

Allows you to add a new comment to an existing credit memo. Email notification can be sent to the user email.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string creditmemoIncrementId Credit memo increment ID
string comment Comment text (optional)
int notifyCustomer Notify customer by email flag (optional)
int includeComment Include comment text into the email notification (optional)


Type Description
booleanint True (1) if the comment is added to the credit memo


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested credit memo does not exist.
102 Invalid data given. Details in error message.


Request Example SOAP V1

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$creditmemoIncrementId = '200000001'; // increment id of existing credit memo
$commentText = "Credit memo comment successfully added";

$isCommentAdded = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.addComment', [$creditmemoIncrementId, $commentText, true]);

Request Example SOAP V2

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); // TODO: change url
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); // TODO: change login and pwd if necessary

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoAddComment($sessionId, '200000001');

Request Example SOAP V2 (WS-I Compliance Mode)

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl'); 
$sessionId = $proxy->login((object)['username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey']); 

$result = $proxy->salesOrderCreditmemoAddComment((object)['sessionId' => $sessionId->result, 'creditmemoIncrementId' => '200000001', 'comment' => 'credit memo comment', 'notifyCustomer' => 1, 'includeComment' => 1]);   



  • order_creditmemo.cancel (SOAP V1)
  • salesOrderCreditmemoCancel (SOAP V2)

Allows you to cancel an existing credit memo.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
string creditmemoIncrementId Credit memo increment ID


Type Name Description
string result Result of canceling the credit memo


Fault Code Fault Message
100 Requested credit memo does not exist.
104 Credit memo status not changed.


Request Example SOAP V1

$proxy = new SoapClient('https://mahohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$creditmemoIncrementId = '100000637'; // increment id of existing credit memo

$isCreditMemoCanceled = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'order_creditmemo.cancel', [$creditmemoIncrementId]);