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Two weeks of Maho

It seems much longer, because we worked extremely hard on so many different things, but Maho was born only two weeks ago! Let's check together all the news of this past week.

Thanks to the combined ideas of Fabrizio Balliano and the skills of Tony Montemaggi we proudly present Maho's official logo!

We chose a simple yet modern font, a fresh limegreen color and a symbol that's inspired by a forward-looking compass. We think a compass is a powerful symbol that symbolizes:

  • navigation and direction, the same that we want Maho to give to the ecommerce world
  • precision and accuracy, for a reliable and accurate platform to build on
  • exploration and discovery, the values we want to have in the development of Maho

Website updates

A few documentation pages were created and the rest (especially the community section) was refined. Also, the roadmap got some love too.

Platform updates

  • a lot of cleanups
  • a lot of refinements to the new autoloader systems
  • worked on the web installer which should now work
  • worked on the CLI tool to make it functional and to add as many commands as possible
  • ironed out a few things with our new composer plugin
  • fixed a couple of bugs with the new starter project which should now be working

Closing thoughts

If you want to test Maho, please let us know if it works for you or what problems you find. We are committed to solving them to make Maho as perfect as possible, as quickly as possible.

See you next week!
Maho rocks! 🚀