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Contributing to Maho

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Maho!
We welcome contributions from the community to help us improve and grow.
We look forward to your contributions!

Code of Conduct

We are committed to building a healthy and respectful community.
All contributors and participants in the Maho project are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct. This code outlines our expectations for behavior within the community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.

Please review and follow our Code of Conduct in all your interactions within the Maho community, including but not limited to GitHub discussions, issue tracking, code reviews, and Discord conversations. We take violations seriously, and they will be handled promptly to maintain a welcoming environment for all community members.

We look forward to growing a positive, inclusive, and productive community together!

Sharing ideas and proposing new features

We encourage you to share your ideas for improvements or new features:

  1. Visit the Discussions section of our GitHub repository.
  2. Look for the "Ideas" category and check if your ideas have already been submitted.
  3. Create a new discussion to propose your idea or feature request.
  4. Engage with the community to refine and discuss your proposal.

Reporting bugs

If you encounter a bug while using Maho:

  1. Check the Issues section to see if it has already been reported.
  2. If not, create a new issue with a clear title and detailed description of the problem.
  3. Include steps to reproduce the bug, expected behavior, and any relevant error messages or screenshots.

General discussions

For broader topics or questions:

  1. Start a new thread in the Discussions section.
  2. Choose the appropriate category for your topic.
  3. Engage respectfully with other community members.

Quick chat and support

Need a quick answer or want to chat with other Maho contributors?

Join our Discord server for real-time discussions and support.

Contributing code

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  2. Write clear, commented code following our coding standards.
  3. Ensure your changes don't break existing functionality.
  4. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.

Please note that smaller pull requests have a higher chance of being accepted, and pull requests with tests will be prioritized.


Improvements to documentation are always welcome. Our documentation is hosted in a separate repository:

  1. Visit the Maho's website repository.
  2. The documentation is built using mkdocs-material.
  3. Before contributing, please check the file in the repository for specific instructions on how to run and test the documentation locally.
  4. Fork the documentation repository.
  5. Make your changes to the documentation.
  6. Test your changes locally to ensure they render correctly.
  7. Submit a pull request to the documentation repository (not the main Maho framework repository).