
FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server.

While Maho runs perfectly on both Caddy + PHP-FPM or FrankenPHP, this page is mainly about specific characteristics of FrakenPHP, like the ability to create standalone, self-executable binaries of your whole PHP application.

In this case:

# Clone FrankenPHP repository
git clone
cd frankenphp

# Build the standalone Maho app
EMBED=/path/to/your/mahoproject ./

# Now you can run the web server + your app with
cd dist
./frankenphp-mac-arm64 php-server --domain localhost

# And run the Maho CLI tool with
./frankenphp-mac-arm64 php-cli maho


For more info on options and configurations, check FrankenPHP documentation.


Support for FrankenPHP is still under development and heavy testing.
If you find issues and want to help, get involved 😉