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Override configurations with ENV variables


In Maho it's possible to use ENV variables to override configurations. The configuration loading order is as follows:

  1. Configurations in XML files are loaded first.
  2. These are then overridden by configurations saved in the database (in the core_config_data table).
  3. Finally, all previous configurations can be overridden by ENV variables.

This layered approach allows for flexible configuration management, with ENV variables taking the highest precedence.

This feature is inspired by a similar one in Magento 2, you can find a very good documentation on their website, we suggest you to read it since it applies to Maho too.


Each example will override the general/store_information/name value.

To override the default general/store_information/name, set the MAHO_CONFIG__DEFAULT__GENERAL__STORE_INFORMATION__NAME env variable to the value you want.

To override the general/store_information/name configuration for base website, set the MAHO_CONFIG__WEBSITES__BASE__GENERAL__STORE_INFORMATION__NAME env variable to the value you want.

To override general/store_information/name for the german store view, set the MAHO_CONFIG__STORES__GERMAN__GENERAL__STORE_INFORMATION__NAME env variable to the value you want.

This schema should be self-explanatory, but here you have it detailed:

^ Prefix (required)
             ^ Where scope is DEFAULT, WEBSITES__<WEBSITE_CODE> or STORES__<STORE_CODE>
                      ^ Where GROUP, SECTION and FIELD are separated by __