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robots.txt is a text file that admins create to instruct web robots (typically search engine crawlers) how to crawl pages on their website. The file uses the Robots Exclusion Protocol, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to your site by section and by specific kinds of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs. desktop crawlers).

Why is robots.txt important for e-commerce websites?

For an e-commerce platform, robots.txt can be crucial for several reasons:

  1. Crawl efficiency: It helps search engines crawl your site more efficiently by directing them to the most important pages.
  2. Prevent indexing of private or duplicate content: You can block crawlers from accessing customer account pages, checkout processes, or other sensitive areas.
  3. SEO optimization: By guiding crawlers to your most valuable content, you can potentially improve your search engine rankings.

Sample robots.txt for Maho

Maho doesn't provide a default robots.txt, because the needs of every project are too different, and it could be even dangerous to activate a default configuration. We instead provide a sample file for you to use as a base to create your own solution.

## Crawl the Sitemap. Set the correct URL before uncomment

# Sitemap:

## Crawlers Setup

User-agent: *

## How many seconds a crawler should wait before loading and crawling page content
## Set a custom crawl rate if you are experiencing traffic issues with your server

Crawl-delay: 10

## Allow to crawl paging
## (paging inside a listing with more params are disallowed below)

Allow: /*?p=

## Do not crawl non-SEF paths and generated content
## (if you use a store id in URL you must prefix with * or copy for each store)

Disallow: */index.php/
Disallow: */catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: */catalog/category/view/
Disallow: */catalog/product/view/
Disallow: */catalog/product/gallery/
Disallow: */catalogsearch/
#Allow: */catalogsearch/seo_sitemap
#Allow: */catalogsearch/term/popular
Disallow: */checkout/
Disallow: */control/
Disallow: */contacts/
Disallow: */customer/
Disallow: */customize/
Disallow: */newsletter/
Disallow: */review/
Disallow: */sales/
Disallow: */tag/
Disallow: */wishlist/

## Do not crawl dynamic filters. Uncomment what you need or add custom filters

Disallow: /*?dir*
Disallow: /*?limit*
Disallow: /*?mode*
Disallow: /*?price=*
Disallow: /*?___from_store=*
Disallow: /*?___store=*
Disallow: /*?q=*
# Disallow: /*?cat=*
# Disallow: /*?availability=*
# Disallow: /*?brand=*

## Do not crawl paths that can be safely ignored by search engines (no clean URLs)

Disallow: /*?p=*&
Disallow: /*.php$
Disallow: /*?SID=

## Do not allow media indexing for the following bots
## Disallow all or add custom paths. For example */media/ or */skin/

# User-agent: baiduspider-image
# Disallow: /
# Disallow: */media/
# Disallow: */skin/

# User-agent: baiduspider-video
# Disallow: /
# Disallow: */media/
# Disallow: */skin/

# User-agent: msnbot-media
# Disallow: /
# Disallow: */media/
# Disallow: */skin/

# User-agent: Googlebot-Image
# Disallow: /
# Disallow: */media/
# Disallow: */skin/

# User-agent: Googlebot-Video
# Disallow: /
# Disallow: */media/
# Disallow: */skin/

How to activate robots.txt

To activate robots.txt on your Maho project, follow these steps:

  1. Copy our sample file
  2. Save it as robots.txt in the public/ directory of your Maho project.
  3. Customize it, you need to review it before publishing it

That's it! Your robots.txt file is now active and will be used by web crawlers visiting your site.

Customizing your robots.txt

For more advanced usage and information, consider consulting the Google Search Central documentation on robots.txt.

Also, before publishing, test your robots.txt with a tool like robots.txt Validator and Testing Tool.